We will be performing maintenance on our website this morning from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM (CST).
Please place your orders before or after these times.

Job Order Details: Jane Smith

Order Number: 132606

Order Date Rush Bundle Total Messages Artist Artist Changes Last Artist Status  
9:31am on Feb, 14th 2023 No No $23.90 0 Cheo A. Cheo A. Order Completed  

Order Information

This job contains: Individual Product(s)


Primary Image: 202302142053IMG7549.jpg Preview   |   High-Res Download

Number of additional people: 
Comments on Image: 

Products Selected:

Reflection Marker    |       |    Portrait    |    Now & Then    |    Watercolor    |    Collage    |    Mosaic Collage    |    Theme & Custom Background    |    Legacy    |    Marquee    |    Reflection    |    Cap Panel

Stationery Selected:

Registry Book    |    Tri-Fold Svc Prog    |    Large Svc Prog    |    Small Svc Prog    |    Bookmark    |    Prayer Card    |    Thank You Card    |   

Customer Information

Name: Tina Roughton

Company: Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home

Email Address: info@griffin-roughton.com

Phone Number 1: 903-874-4774

Phone Number 2:

Billing Address: 1530 North 45th Street , Corsicana, TX 75110

Shipping Address: 1530 North 45th Street , Corsicana, TX 75110

Account Manager: Jerry Penry

Important Request

Note: Only use the logo when they request it in the comments and make sure to charge them.

Download Griffin-Roughton-BLK.png

Download Griffin-Roughton-WHT.png




8x10 Preference: 


202302142053IMG7549.jpg Preview   |   High-Res Download

Primary Image:
202302142053IMG7549.jpg Preview   |   High-Res Download

Finished Files

There should be a total of 3 files uploaded to complete this order.

Currently, there are 3 files uploaded and saved to this order.

Please name your files for this job in an easily understandable way. The client will see the names of the files to know what to download.

Click or Drag & Drop Image Here
Files need to be 30MB or smaller
NOTE TO ARTIST: Please review and work any additional requests below...